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--- Theory of Sex ---
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--- Matrix of Sex ---
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General MATRIX of SEX

Sex can only be perfect when it is balanced continuously according to the Matrix of Sex.

The Matrix of Sex is multi-layered, with the first, overarching level looking like this:

This matrix is a collection tool that is used to balance sex.

Let's take a look at each "square" one by one.

1: BODY - what kind of body is having sex?

Assessment and balancing of a person (e.g. sex object) is based on the standard of sexuality. Only the physiology of the body is important in this section.

2: PROCESS - when to have sex?

Assessment and balancing of sex intensity is based on the "sex calendar," or criteria that determine when it is time to have sex.

3: REFLEX - what is the result of having sex?

Analysis of the sex that is happening. Evaluation is based on (1) body and (2) process.

4: EMOTION - how sexually attractive is a person?

The sexual attraction index is calculated - how attractive a person is for sex and who this person can attract for sex.

5: LOGIC - what sex techniques are available?

Logical techniques for achieving sex are calculated, which are available to the evaluated person based on physiological, social, and psychic parameters.

6: REACTION - what type of sex is needed?

Calculation of the type of sex a person needs and what is available. The nested matrix, which includes positions, techniques, emotional background, and so on, is used for calculation.

7: INTUITION - what is the best sex for right now?

Determination of the best sex here and now. The person enters what type of sex they want right now, and the matrix determines what is available to them based on the previous six indicators.

8: TRANSCENDENCE - what would be the "other" sex?

Determination of everything that is not available to a person but can become available if they make their own efforts. This is a kind of systematic map of discomfort zones that a person will expand their sexual potential by going through.

9: WILLPOWER - what would be perfect sex?

Determination of what is missing from a person's sex matrix and engaging in it. This would be perfect sex.