Is Casual Sex Bad For You? - Dr. Zhana Vrangalova
2023-06-30 00:06:40 #1 
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Default Is Casual Sex Bad For You? - Dr. Zhana Vrangalova

I watched this video and found it really good. She shows research that many people might not know about.

I am curious about Julia's thoughts on the video:

What made you decide this was a good video to post?
What do you feel about casual sex? sex with a close friend? or sex with strangers?
Did you already feel the same about the topic before watching it as after?
2023-07-03 17:47:49 #2  
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Direct link to discussing video is here:
First of all, thank you for sharing your thoughts and your questions.

Yes, you are right, many people may not know or understand the whole picture of casual sex. That's why it's a good idea to listen to what experienced people and scientists are saying.

Here are the answers to your questions:

1) As you may have noticed, I post a lot of videos on various topics. This is one of the videos that I think is worth watching.
Dr. Zhana Vrangalova presents a pretty good picture of free sex, its pros and cons, says that each participant in such sex should take responsibility for OWN experience, and so on. I agree with most of what she says and would like other club members to also share their opinions and perhaps their stories with (preferably) conclusions. To do this, I will create a separate section on the forum, where I will also share my stories.

2) I believe that casual sex is necessary first of all for people without experience in order to gain experience, begin to feel more confident and not cum at the sight of a nipple or touch.
Regarding casual sex for established couples. It all depends on the current needs of existing partners. Clearly, any additional sexual encounters should be discussed and agreed upon BEFORE having them. This is necessary because each new sexual contact changes the environment that has developed in a couple. It's like pouring a cold carbonated drink into a boiling kettle of water - the temperature environment, composition, behavior - everything will change. You need to be very careful and attentive to what you add to your space. Well, of course, if you value relationships. If you do not value it, then why do you need such a relationship?

3) My attitude towards casual sex has not changed after watching the video. I'm just glad that doctors are talking about it, backing it up with scientific research.
2023-07-03 18:11:23 #3  
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Default Link to share your stories

As I promised in my last post in this thread, here is the link to the Forum section where everyone can share their own stories of casual sex: