----- Law #1 - Physical Body -----
2023-01-27 19:23:55 #1 
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Default ----- Law #1 - Physical Body -----

Note. This is an alpha version of the description of the 1st Rule of Sex. It can change due to the result of our discussion in the current thread.
Latest version always can see here: https://theoryofsex.club/news.php?view=17

Perfect sex for a perfect body.

The greater the deviation from the perfection of the body, the fewer opportunities such a body has for perfect sex.

>>>What is a perfect body?

In our opinion, this body, which has the forms of golden proportions, is the Vitruvian Man by Leonardo Davinci.

>>>Why do deviations from perfection reduce opportunities for sex?

In a perfect body, all physiological processes occur ideally:

1) SLEEP: the body has a good rest and this restores the spent energy;
2) NUTRITION: high-quality metabolism allows the body to cleanse itself of dead cells and build new healthy cells;
3) SEX: regular production of the "right" hormones allows the body to maintain the required level of energy.

An imbalance in any of these points worsens the condition of the physical body, and this reduces the sex potential of its owner.

The sex that we consider normal, that we see on adult sites and that usually happens, is average. And this is only less than 1/3 of the potential for perfect sex.

In our Sex Pass service (an alpha version will be released soon) you can see how much your (real) physical body corresponds to the golden proportions and get an assessment of your own sex potential.