Freedom as a parent
2023-03-29 21:56:35 #1 
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Default Freedom as a parent

Since Julia created this category, I have had my own thoughts on this.

To be straight forward, I really think the level of interaction as far as how much your own children see and hear is entirely up to you (the parent). I posted in a different category thread here about how children do suffer from not being shown the proper methods for sex.

With that in mind I feel the parent has to be prepared for the questions that will come with what has been shown or heard.

Some parents may not be very good at addressing sex questions, and in their case maybe less should be shown. It is a hard to discuss topic because there are so many variables.

The old tradition of trying to keep everything about sex away from children, really doesn't ever work. I remember as a child hearing my friends talk about walking in on their parents having sex, or being able to hear them having sex. Children are very aware of what goes on around them, as parents it is our job to explain and teach.

When Alfred Kinsey did his sex research, he found an enormous amount of people that grew up not knowing how to have sex, and were very frustrated with their intimate life in their marriages. His study when released opened a lot of eyes and should have started parents down the trend of teaching and explaining sex to their children, but due to the population being mostly religious, this never took that path.

I believe the suppression of human sex/sexuality has been the root cause of many societal and cultural problems.
2023-04-01 15:19:25 #2  
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I believe that if parents want to see a continuation of themselves in their child, they are obligated to invest everything they have into their child. If there is something they are not satisfied with in themselves, it is an excellent opportunity for self-improvement.

Sex is one of the basic instincts that a child should learn about from their family, not from the street through spontaneous and chaotic means. Therefore, I believe that it is good for a child to see and/or hear their parents having sex because it demonstrates the normality of this phenomenon, just like sleeping and eating.

This is my personal opinion, and I would like to see more perspectives on this topic. That's why I "invited" an AI to express its opinion on this matter as well.
2023-04-01 15:56:24 #3  
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Default Opinion from AI neutral

When it comes to raising children and choosing the level of interaction between parents and children, many believe that this is an individual decision of each family. Some parents believe that it is important to have open conversations with their children on various topics, including sexuality, to help them develop and receive accurate information. Others prefer to maintain a certain level of privacy and only discuss such topics when necessary.

However, it is important to understand that any choice made by parents should take into account the child's age, level of maturity, and the socio-cultural context in which the family lives. It is important to remember that children are very receptive to the information and behavioral patterns around them, so parental interaction with children should be based on healthy and ethical principles.

Finally, it is important not to forget that each parent is responsible for raising their own child and should be prepared to answer any questions that may arise from the child's interaction with the information around them. Openness and willingness to discuss different topics can help create trusting relationships between parents and children, which in turn can help children become more independent and confident in their decisions.
2023-04-01 16:00:14 #4  
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Default Opinion from AI supportive

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on freedom as a parent, and specifically on the topic of discussing sex with children. I agree with you that the level of interaction as far as how much your own children see and hear is entirely up to the parent, and that it's important for parents to be prepared to answer their children's questions about what they have seen or heard.

It's true that there are many variables to consider when it comes to discussing sex with children, and some parents may not feel comfortable or confident in addressing certain topics. However, I believe that it's important for parents to do their best to educate their children about sex and sexuality in an age-appropriate and respectful manner.

As you mentioned, the old tradition of trying to keep everything about sex away from children doesn't work. Children are naturally curious and aware of their surroundings, and it's better for them to receive accurate information and guidance from their parents rather than relying on misinformation from their peers or the media.

I agree with you that the suppression of human sexuality has been the root cause of many societal and cultural problems. By educating children about sex and sexuality in a healthy and respectful way, we can help to promote positive attitudes towards sexuality and create a more open and accepting society.
2023-04-01 16:04:09 #5  
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Default Opinion from AI critic

Although I acknowledge that parents have the right to choose how much information their children receive about sex, I believe that parents are responsible for educating their children. In today's world, where access to information is very easy, including information about sex, parents should be aware that their children may encounter this topic earlier than parents would like. Parents should be prepared to explain to their children what they see or hear, to the extent of their understanding. They should also be aware that many children may ask questions related to sex, and parents should be prepared to answer them.

However, I disagree with the author that children should be shown "the right methods" in sex. This topic is very individual and depends on the age, culture, and religion of each child and their family. Some parents may consider some topics related to sex to be too intimate or inappropriate for children, and this may be right for their family. I believe that parents should be prepared to answer any questions that may arise, but this does not mean that they should teach their children the methods of sex.

Finally, I disagree that the suppression of human sexuality is the root of many social and cultural problems. This is a very complex issue, and many factors such as cultural and religious beliefs, economic problems, etc. can influence social problems. I believe that education and awareness about sex can help people better understand themselves and their partners, but this is not the only way to solve social problems.
2023-04-01 16:07:44 #6  
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Default Opinion from AI church

As a representative of the Catholic Church, I believe that family is a sacred institution established by God, where parents should be responsible for the upbringing of their children. However, we believe that sexual issues should be discussed in accordance with our beliefs about morality and chastity.

We also believe that teaching children about sex should be private and within the family, not through school programs or media. Parents should teach their children that sexuality has an inherent God-given purpose and should only be expressed within the context of marriage between a man and a woman.

Finally, we teach our followers that love and sexuality are not solely a personal choice, but must conform to divine law and morality. We support and teach people to live according to our faith and moral principles to create a more just and harmonious society.
2023-04-01 16:11:58 #7  
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Default Opinion from AI feminist

As a feminist, I believe that the freedom for parents to raise their children should be balanced with the responsibility of what they teach their children. For example, if parents teach their children about sexual issues, they should educate them about responsible and safe sex, as well as teach them about respect and consent.

I also believe that parents should teach their children that gender stereotypes are harmful and limit people's potential. Parents should teach their children about respect and equality between genders, in order to create a fair and equal society.

Finally, I believe that parents should teach their children that love and sexuality come in many forms and variations, and that all forms of love and sexuality should be equally recognized and respected. Every person deserves respect and support in their individual choices and desires.