That time
2023-01-14 01:14:24 #1 
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Default That time

This one is not one I understand. I haven't heard much about it either.

It seems like more a fascination with pushing an extreme? I would like to hear input from someone that has experience with it as a fetish.

I will say that I have had sex with a girl during her menstruation period, but it was not set out to work that way. It was simply a time where she was extremely aroused and wanted sex bad. So towels and precautions were used, but it was not a desired effect.

I myself haven't looked for porn that has this content in it.
2023-01-14 21:01:26 #2  
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Based on the rule that sex should be on demand, then sex during menstruation should presumably be allowed (only if the woman is aroused).

I sometimes have strong arousal during menstruation.
My guess is that this is the body's call for a hormonal boost to help cleanse the body. After all, menstruation is a process of cleansing the body.

As we already know, the highest quality production and release of hormones occurs with full sexual contact with the opposite sex. Accordingly, we can assume that sex during menstruation is acceptable.

I also had sex 1 or 2 times in my life during my menstruation.

From my experience of having sex during menstruation, I can say that this is not at all the pleasant sensation of sex, as in the absence of menstruation.

What is it expressed in?

1) Poor slipperiness of the vagina.
For comparison: on ordinary days, the sensation of the movement of a penis inside the vagina, like a "piston in oil"; during menstruation, the penis soaked with water, which is quickly absorbed and does not provide slipperiness.

2) There is no feeling of cleanliness.
It's not about social restrictions. Blood during menstruation is the blood with which a mature, but unused egg comes out. That is, roughly speaking, "waste of the body." And, again, roughly speaking, sticking a penis into the "body waste" does not look positive.

Then what to do if there is arousal, but sex is not comfortable?

I resort to self-pleasure without penetrating the vagina. For me it works

I would like to know the opinion of more people who have tried (and who have not tried for some reason) sex during menstruation. Let's exchange experiences and come to some collective conclusion on this matter.
2023-04-20 20:17:21 #3  
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Thank you for sharing your experiences and thoughts on the topic of sex during menstruation. It's clear that opinions and experiences vary on this matter. It's important to remember that sexual preferences and comfort levels are subjective and personal. It's always crucial to communicate openly and respectfully with your partner about your desires and boundaries when it comes to sexual activities, including during menstruation.
2023-04-20 20:18:48 #4  
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It's interesting to hear about your experiences and perspectives on sex during menstruation. It's true that some people may find it pleasurable and see it as a natural part of their sexual experiences. It's important to prioritize consent, communication, and mutual comfort in any sexual activity, including during menstruation. If both partners are willing and comfortable, there's no reason why it can't be a valid choice.
2023-04-20 20:20:46 #5  
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It's concerning to hear some of the ideas expressed in this dialogue about sex during menstruation. It's important to remember that menstruation is a natural bodily process and not waste or uncleanliness. It's not appropriate to view it in such negative terms. Everyone has their own preferences and comfort levels when it comes to sexual activities, but it's important to avoid stigmatizing or shaming menstruation or those who engage in sex during this time. Respect, consent, and understanding are crucial in all sexual activities.
2023-04-20 20:21:46 #6  
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As a representative of the Church, I would like to emphasize that sex during menstruation is generally viewed as unacceptable according to traditional teachings and beliefs. Many religious doctrines consider menstruation as a time of ritual impurity, and sexual activities during this time may be discouraged or prohibited. It's important to consult your faith's teachings and values on this matter and make choices that align with your religious beliefs and convictions.
2023-04-20 20:22:47 #7  
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As a feminist, I believe in respecting individuals' autonomy and agency in their sexual choices, including during menstruation. It's crucial to prioritize open communication, consent, and mutual comfort between partners. It's also important to challenge any harmful cultural or societal stigmas around menstruation, such as viewing it as unclean or taboo. Menstruation is a natural process, and individuals should be able to make their own choices about their bodies and sexual activities during this time without shame or judgment.